Monday, March 29, 2010


Hey Everyone,

We hope everyone had a safe and relaxing spring break! Just wanting to update everyone on what is currently going on and what is currently planned. First off, leadership positions have currently changed because, unfortunately, Brie, our president, will not be attending this quarter. Therefore, Auben Kazer and Joanna Oboza are the new co-presidents of S4S. Stephanie Kuhn will take over events coordinator and Amber Frauhiger will be our new treasurer!

In regards to our golf tournament, because of our recent changes with leadership, we thought it would be best for us to move the golf tournament to May 8th, 2010 just so new leadership could get use to their positions before we hold a big event!

We will be having our GBM next week on Monday at the usual time of 8 p.m. (location TBA). This is an important GBM because we will be discussing the plans for the rest of the quarter (i.e., the golf tournament, the dodge ball tournament, tabling, and admit day). We are scheduled to table Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as well as Saturday for Admit day next week (that's April 7-10)! Monday's GBM is going to be an important meeting because we need all the help in making as much jewelry as possible as well as designing new tote bags (we have just received new supplies to make tote bags) as well as fixing up some of the hats! We look forward to seeing all of you next week!

We love to hear any and all comments, concerns, so please email them to or leave us a comment on here or facebook!

Peace, Love, Uganda,
Schools 4 Schools

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Leadership and GBM meeting Mon, March 8

Hey everyone!

We're having our last GBM of the quarter this Monday at 8PM (7 for leadership) in the Thich Nhat Hanh Room in the Old Student Center. We'll be discussing our plans for next quarter and celebrating our amazing screening on Thursday. Also, please remember that leadership is open to everyone so if you would like to come join us in the discussing of logistics and planning, please feel free to! See you all there!

Peace, Love, Uganda,

P.S. The Thich Nhat Hanh Room is located in the Old Student Center above the Food Co-op, next to the Guardian offices, and across from AS Soft Reserves.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came to our screening last night!! It was such a success and we hope we have inspired at least a couple more people. The roadies said that they made the most money and had the most scholarship sign ups from our school so far during their tour so that is so great and we want to thank everyone who bought something or signed up for the Visible Child Scholarship Program. You guys are all changing so many people's lives in Northern Uganda.

We will be holding our leadership and GBM this Monday (location TBA) at 7 p.m. for leadership and 8 p.m. for GBM. Everyone is welcome to our leadership. We will now start planning our mini golf tournament for next quarter as well as our benefit concert for Fall Quarter of next year. Please come to our leadership meeting if you want to be a part of the planning and logistical proccess.

Thank you to everyone again. We appreciate everyone's support so much and we couldn't do anything that we do without people like you. We will post some pictures within the next couple of days.

We hope to see you on Monday!!

Email us if you have any questions or message us on facebook.

Peace, Love, Uganda.