The Mini-Golf Tournament is slowly coming up! It's on May 8th at Pelly's Mini-Golf in Del Mar from 3-5 p.m. We need everyone's help to make this event a success. Right now, we just need to get some donations for the silent auction that we will be holding at the tournament. If you are interested in helping us with that, please email us at and we will send you all of the necessary information, documents, and fliers.
We also need people to help us get people to the tournament! You can do this by talking to your RA and having them put it in their newsletter, ask your friends to come out, talk to your sorority/fraternity/club that you're involved with, asking your family to come, and any other way you can think of. This event is open to EVERYONE and all proceeds will go to our sister school in Gulu, Uganda. We'll be giving out handmade ribbon awards for: Goofiest Golf Get-Up, Highest Par, Best Group Score, Best Individual Score, Highest Frat/Sorority Participation and more! We are coordinating carpools to and from the event as needed.
Register with us here:, and you will receive a follow-up email with instructions to purchase pre-sale tickets (either by seeing us on Library Walk at our next tabling date, at our Monday night General Body Meetings, or emailing us and we will get the tickets to you!).
We will also be having dinner at Chevy's afterwards at 5 p.m. and 25% of everything they make will go to us as well. If you can't come to the golf tournament, you can also support us by having dinner with us!
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email us at!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT! Below is our flier for the event that you can use to spread the word!
Schools 4 Schools
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